Just give subjective replies like last week.
I'm grateful for having learned enough math stuff to test into the class I need, and (hopefully) learning enough math to pass said class.
I'm also grateful for learning that my brother never got any kind of degree during his time in college, not because it gives me a chance to one up him, but because it gives me a better insight into why he's been so adamant about seeing me pass my classes and move on to University.
Finally, I'm grateful for learning how to use Audacity to increase the volume on audiobooks, because the loud engines that roar by when I'm sign waiving have made it hard to listen to some of the Discworld books that are at a softer level.
I'm grateful for having learned enough math stuff to test into the class I need, and (hopefully) learning enough math to pass said class.
I'm also grateful for learning that my brother never got any kind of degree during his time in college, not because it gives me a chance to one up him, but because it gives me a better insight into why he's been so adamant about seeing me pass my classes and move on to University.
Finally, I'm grateful for learning how to use Audacity to increase the volume on audiobooks, because the loud engines that roar by when I'm sign waiving have made it hard to listen to some of the Discworld books that are at a softer level.