Patch wrote:Afternoon campers. How was the weekend?
Productively urgh. Friday I left for work and started feeling sickly. After stopping by the bank, I called in sick and headed home. Saturday, which was payday, I went in for four hours to minimize lost hours and pick up my check.
Newish Boss Lady was kind enough to let me grab it at 3, which is against Owner Guy's rules. The checks are not to be cashed until 4pm, and thus are not to be handed out until then. Some of the managers are cool with handing them out a bit early, with a promise to not cash them until after 4 though.
Instead of going to the Walmart across the lot (which is where I also pick up money transfers that my dad's caretakers send out each month), I got on the bus and made the long journey to another Walmart which is on the same route that goes by my house. After doing the shuffle to get the money orders I need, I called the friend who usually gives me a ride on my first month payday to see if he was able to give me a lift earlier than usual. No answer, so I headed out to catch the next 36 home and figure things out from there.
While at the bus stop, I ended up next to some crazy dude with a special needs kid who's been having odd reactions to the meds he's recently started on. Dude was rambling on and on about conspiracy shit, and not taking crap off strangers that look at him or his kid wrong. I did my best to humor him while waiting for the bus. Before it arrived, as more people were showing up, I spotted a friendly acquaintance from LCC that I met in class a few years back. Me, her and another friend had a briefly weeklyish habit of stopping by a bar called Black Forest after school and having a couple drinks. We'd fallen out of touch in the last few years, so it was good to say hi and chat for a few moments.
On the bus ride home, I had my head down reading volume 2 or 3 of Clive Barker and Mark Miller's Next Testament comic, which I started and finished in the past week (great read by the way), while the crazy aggro guy was babbling with another wing nut about political conspiracy bullshit (which I'm often in the mood for, but wasn't inclined to get into that day). Former classmate gal took a moment to say goodbye before disembarking, which was nice.
Just before getting to the bus stop, I'd gotten a text from the friend who got me hired at the pizza factory offering to cover my shift for Sunday. I opted to wait until getting home to respond, and as I was getting ready to call him, car ride friend called me back. He told me that he'd need a bit of time to finish watching a TV show before coming over. I called back got-me-hired friend and told him I'd let him know in the morning about covering my Sunday shift. After that I went up stairs to take a power fap nap. As I was dozing, I got a text from car ride friend that he was on the way over and woke up feeling refreshed.
After getting back from the rent drop (about 7 or
, I went up stairs and to take another nap and woke up at 3:39am. Sunday morning I looked at the weather for the zip code the pizza factory is in, and saw stormy weather with rain and thunder for most of the day and said "fuck that". Sent a text to got-me-hired friend accepting the offer of shift coverage. He asked for a reminder of my Sunday hours (which are 11am-2pm and 3pm-6pm). He offered to cover the afternoon half of the shift, so I called in to work to let em know.
In the evening I went over to hang out with the gal I met on OK Cupid last month to watch The Walking Dead and talk with her friend who's up for moving into the empty room over here. After the show, I handed him the rental application and we made plans for him to move into the room later this month. Then I headed back home.
Most of the weekend was spent in front of the computer working on homework and other things. I also did a bit of house cleaning/up keep and felt a lot better.
How bout you Patch? How was your weekend?