rkwsuperstar wrote:
So, my question is, why? If you are into me, but don't think I'm into you, why ask me to come over for a hook-up? Is it just a feeling of what is there to lose? Beyond making me lose whatever attraction there may have been? Also, this is the 3rd guy in the past month who made a sexual pass at me but expressed no actual interest in dating me, which makes me wonder what vibes I'm putting out.
I knew some guys that made advances on anyone because eventually one would accept. I never understood it. First, rejection 9 out of 10 times would eat at me. Secondly, in my single days, the one night stand sounded better than it actually was. Minimal connection with someone, isn't that appealing.
As to the vibe you may or may not be putting out, where you were and like Polk mentioned, was alcohol was involved, might be part of it. Most of the guys I know, including myself, think we are smarter, better looking, smoother, funnier and better athletes, once we start drinking. So that embolden state probably leads them to think, "How could she not want me"